Track Day Preparation

You are going to have the most fun ever by exploring your car’s capabilities without worrying about a speeding ticket or those annoying blue and red lights in your rearview mirror. A few simple things listed will improve your overall experience:

  • We are not racing. This is High-Performance Drivers Education (HPDE). This is a day to enjoy, not compete.
  • We are a group of like-minded folks who have a desire to explore our car’s capabilities on a racetrack in a safe, fun manner. Always remember, each one of us makes sacrifices to be here, and it is important for all of us to respect each other to ensure we all have a safe, adrenalin inducing palooza of an event!
  • All event coordination and schedules are emailed one week before the event date.
  • Come to the track prepared with a properly teched car and a good night’s sleep. Eat a good breakfast and get to the track early. Nothing is worse than rushing around and getting stressed.
  • Attach a car number of your choice, 8 inches or larger, on each side of your car. We supply numbers at registration for a nominal fee. You may use painter’s tape. Magnetic numbers are not recommended as they could be blown off at high speed, causing potentially dangerous conditions.
  • Check brake pads (replace with minimal racing pads), rotors, and bleed your brakes before the event. Change your oil and change your brake fluid to a minimum racing brake fluid.
  • Check radiator fluids and washer fluids.
  • Complete the tech form before the event.
  • You, and you alone, are responsible for any track damage and/or car damage as your normal car insurance will not cover any of these items.
  • You can purchase track insurance and track damage insurance through On Track Insurance, Lockton Insurance, Open Track Insurance, or any other track event insurer. Please make your choice and purchase this comfort feature before the event. Once the event commences, you cannot purchase the insurance.
  • Come to the track early with a full tank of gas and a great, excited attitude. Follow the signs to the registration area. Prepare to attend all required meetings and downloads, and if you are a novice with a coach, classroom sessions are mandatory.
  • We observe a 5 miles per hour speed limit in the paddock areas.
  • You must have a Snell-rated 2015 helmet or newer. No motorcycle helmets are permitted. Complete the tech form and bring it with you and your helmet to registration to receive run group wristbands, sign waivers, and get your tech and helmet stickers.
  • Rental helmets are available at registration for $30.00 per day.
  • Make sure your car’s exhaust falls within the individual track decibel guideline rules. No refunds will be given to cars that do not meet the sound limits.
  • Any passenger or driver under the age of 18 must sign a special minor event waiver, and the parent must also sign it and be approved by one of our staff members.
  • Closed-toed shoes are required.
  • Long pants and tee shirts are acceptable.
  • Fire Suits are required in all race-prepped cars.
  • No handheld devices are permitted in cars.
  • All timing devices in the cars must be tethered. No suction cup devices are allowed.
  • Outside GoPro’s or cameras must be tethered. No suction cups are permitted.
  • Hans or Simpson (like) neck safety devices are required for 4, 5, or 6-point harness systems. Regular 3-point seat belts can be used without a Simpson Hybrid device but are suggested.
  • Convertibles must pass the broom test and have either factory roll protection or aftermarket rollover protection. High center of gravity cars and trucks are prohibited on the live track. They are, however, permitted in parade lap instances at highway paced speeds.
  • Both driver and passenger seats must have the same basic restraint systems.
  • All cars must have working taillights, turn signals, etc.
  • If you have a tow hook, install it.
  • Torque all lug nuts to factory specs when wheels are cool.
  • Remove all loose items in your cars and trunks, including EZ Pass.
  • 100/110 octane fuel is generally available trackside. 93 octane is available off-track nearby.
  • Stay hydrated and bring water. We supply snacks and water as well.
  • Review all flags and their meanings at Lockton/